Unknown creatures
Unknown creatures

As items of scientific and public interest they would surely command more attention than the moon rocks. Most certainly, many “sightings” of these creatures are exaggerated or misinterpreted reports, and some are downright hoaxes. But finding a Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot is still a possibility, and the discovery would be one of the most important in modern history. There are no living specimens in zoos or dead ones in museums. “To be sure, no remains of today’ s legendary ‘monsters’ have ever been found. The dead shark, named megamouth after its bathtub-shaped lower jaw, had an enormous, short-snouted head and 484 vestigial teeth. But instead of a torpedo, it hauled up a 15-foot representative of a new species of shark. Just last year a Navy torpedo recovery vessel dropped a sea anchor into 500 feet of water off Hawaii. The coelacanth, a deep-water prehistoric fish, was known only from 65 million-year-old fossils until 1938 when a specimen was caught alive off the Madagascar coast. The komodo dragon, a 10-foot-long lizard, wasn’t known to science until 1912. After all, the gorilla and giant panda were only legends until the late 19th century when their actual existence was first confirmed by scientists. “Scientists generally believe there are still many species of birds and mammals that have not been discovered because they live in remote areas and their populations are limited. It also poses another question: Would such a creature be subjected to the same kind of exploitation as the giant movie ape, King Kong? It begins: “What if they really did find the Loch Ness monster or the legendary Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest? Most scientists doubt that these creatures exist, but thoughts of the discovery of a new species that might be the closest living relative to man, or the possibility of finding a leftover dinosaur, excite the imagination of scientist and nonscientist alike. And other mysterious animals too.The document had the following heading: Are We Ready For ‘Bigfoot’ Or The Loch Ness Monster? I have presented for you the contents, without interruption. It was focused on how, in theory, the world of officialdom might handle the situation if it was proved that Bigfoot really exists. Fish and Wildlife Service released a thought-provoking paper. Just a handful of days before Christmas 1977, the United States' Department of the Interior’s U.S.

Unknown creatures